Parenting Children with special needs

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Parenting children with special needs can undoubtedly be more challenging than most people assume. If you are such a parent, you probably have a clear understanding of what we are talking about. Taking care of your kid’s needs 24/7 can easily expose you to depression, anxiety, stress, and even loneliness. Remember; you’re also expected to take care of the rest of your family members. All these combined with other daily responsibilities can be quite exhausting if not frustrating. There will be times where you find yourself discouraged and feeling hopeless but you must never allow it to get to your head. Children with special needs are a gift from God and they should be embraced fully rather than discriminated against, hidden, or isolated. As a parent, you are obligated to attend to all the needs of your special kids joyfully no matter the challenges you encounter.

What should I do as a special needs parent?

Seek help

Many parents with special needs children need help. Sadly, only a few have the guts to seek help from others. In fact, most of them assume that only the weak minded need help but that’s not the case. Talking to a professional or a close friend about the challenges you undergo in the line of your parenting can be the best decision you’ve ever made. Seeking help is the only way of getting more information on how to be a better parent to your challenged child. Gather enough courage and talk to a pediatrician, nutritionist, counselor, spouse, colleague or friend. You’ll be surprised by how much help there is out there.

Join support groups

Seeking encouragement and inspiration from those with similar experiences can help you cope with the high demands of bringing up special-needs children. To be honest; it is extremely difficult to raise a child with developmental, intellectual or physical challenges without help. Some spouses will leave when the going gets rough leaving you with resentment, guilt, irritation, uncertainty, sadness, and frustrations. Finding a support system can be a priceless strategy towards discovering coping tactics, moral and financial support. Don’t suffer alone; share your story with others who care.

Don’t neglect yourself

Parenthood is a commitment. Things become more complicated when parenting children who need special care. Resultantly; it is easy to find yourself struggling to take good care of yourself. With time, you might start forgetting to groom your hair, sleep, eat or even ironing your clothes. Having said this; it is important to ensure that you always take good care of yourself by sparing a few minutes to relax, eat properly, read a book, browse the internet, take a walk, and swap childcare or even exercise. Without being at your best 100%, it is impossible to take care of others.

Engage other siblings or family members effectively

As a parent, it is imperative to ensure that other family members have a healthy relationship with their disabled siblings from an early stage. Engaging other family members is the key to nurturing solid sibling relationships. Make them understand why you have to focus extra time, effort and resources towards that child with special needs without neglecting them. Encourage them to play with their physically, mentally or intellectually challenged sibling without discrimination. Spare adequate time to give each child undivided personal attention, enjoy special moments together, empower them and have fun as a family.


You may not be in a position to change the unchangeable as a parent of a child with special needs, but you can be their superhero without diming your own happiness.


Nhu Nguyen

Psychologist Nhu Nguyen

Nhu Nguyen is a Registered Psychologist (AHPRA) with experience treating individuals in a wide range of mental health settings. On her days off, she shares her knowledge of mental health by creating online mental health and lifestyle resources.

Nhu Quynh Nguyen

Nhu Nguyen is a Registered Psychologist (AHPRA) with experience treating individuals in a wide range of mental health settings. On her days off, she shares her knowledge of mental health by creating online mental health and lifestyle resources.


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