Your Core Supports
Core Support Services.
What are your core supports?
Core supports provide you with long-term support to help you live a fulfilling life. This category is made up of assistance with activities that will help you go about your everyday life.
1. Assistance with Daily Living- Services in this category aim to empower people with a disability to make household decisions, look after their personal care, and complete various domestic tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and gardening.
2. Transportation with a companion- Services under this category covers transport costs associated with educational programs, transport to work, participation in the community, and recreational activities.
3. Consumables- Services under Consumables, cover costs associated with translation services, continence, and home enteral nutrition.
– Continence related equipment
– Equipment for eating and drinking
4. Assistance with social and community participation– Services under assistance with social and social community participation helps participants connect with various social groups.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Types of Core Support
In-Home Care
In-Home Care provides individuals with a range of supports to help them participate in and contribute to their social and economic life to the extent of their ability and to support them to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals.
In-Home Care provides individuals with a range of supports to help them participate in and contribute to their social and economic life to the extent of their ability and to support them to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals.
This support category relates to assisting with and/or supervising personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including but not limited to, the participant’s own home.
1. Personal Care
2. Assistance with household tasks
3. Preparation and delivery of food
4. Assistance in Shared Living Arrangement
5. Supported Independent Living
6. Short Term Accommodation and Assistance
7. Respite
Community care
Supports under Community Care and Access enable participants to engage in community activities, social events, and recreational activities.
Supports under Community Care and Access enable participants to engage in community activities, social events, and recreational activities. Participants may use this funding for activities such as camps, vacation, and outside school hours care, course or membership fees. Assistance to access community, social and recreational activities is often provided in a group setting.
Other assistance may include:
Transport Support
Travel Companion
Community/ Group Base Activities
Assistance with Social and Community Participation