Your Capital Support
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Types of Capital Support
Assistive Technology
Equipment under the Assistive Technology category may include handrails and bathroom chairs tailored to your specific needs, prosthesis, visual aids, hearing aids, and devices that aid communication.
This category of support includes all aids or equipment that assist participants to live independently or assist a carer to support the participant. The funding may cover costs related to delivery, set-up, and some training support items.
The aim of this equipment and technology is to help you with tasks you wouldn’t normally be able to do or to make it easier or safer for you to do them. Additionally, it would give you the confidence to carry out everyday living tasks by assisting with mobility, communication, and health care.
Equipment under the Assistive Technology category may include handrails and bathroom chairs tailored to your specific needs, prosthesis, visual aids, hearing aids, and devices that aid communication.
Below is a breakdown of the category:
1. Assistive products for household tasks: Environmental Controller, Utensils
2. Assistive products for personal care and safety: Beds and Mattresses
3. Equipment or aids for dressing or specialized clothing: Cooling Vest, Helmets
4. Specialised household furniture: Feeding Chair, Chairs and furniture
5. Bathroom and toilet equipment: Mobile Shower Commode, Seat Toilet, and back support
6. Personal Alarms: Personal Alarms, Seizure Alarms, Call System within the house
7. Communication and information equipment: Text to speech device, voice amplifiers, voice generators, word processing software
8. Assistive products for hearing: Telephone coupler, vibrotactile devices, cochlear, and other implantable processor repairs
9. Assistive products for vision: Tactile computer displays, Vision equipment repair, Tactile maps, Audio labelers
10. Personal mobility equipment: Car transfer pad, Hoist mobile, Sling,
11. Prosthetics and orthotics: Upper and Lower body limb orthotic, Custom Foot Supports, Hand splints
12. Equipment related to walking: Quadrapod walking stick, walking frame, walking sticks and canes, rollator with supports
13. Wheelchairs and scooters: Wheelchair tray, custom made backrest, modular seating systems
Home Modification
Home modification design and construction includes installation of equipment or changes to building structures, fixture, or fittings to enable participants to live as independently as possible or to live safely at home.
This category of support includes home modifications and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) supports. It incorporates design and subsequent changes to the participant’s home.
Home modification design and construction includes installation of equipment or changes to building structures, fixture, or fittings to enable participants to live as independently as possible or to live safely at home.
Items under Home Modification may include:
1. Certification or approval of home modifications
2. Consultation about home modification designs with a builder
3. Elevator
4. Bathroom modification
5. Minor step ramp modification supply & fit landings, risers & bilateral handrails
6. Stairlift with platform
7. Ramps